Jehocifer Attestari Divinus Epiloguenigma = JADE

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The Three Outcomes of Prophecy

This is so written to pass along the understanding.

There are Three forms of Prophetic outcome: acting, ignoring, and defying.

The Three forms have been named the following: HUMBILATION, APOCALATION, and PROVILATION.

HUMBILATION, is the positive, acting on; the events forth coming are questioned and changed.
It has the greatest reward with the greatest sacrifice.
This is the acting on Prophecy to make a positive change for the Greater Good.
Often this comes with a sacrifice that cannot be avoided.
All benefit from the actions of those who are willing to give more than they are willing to give.

APOCALATION, is the neutral, ignoring of; the events forth coming are never questioned or changed.
There is no reward for being ignorant with a price to pay none the less.
This is not acting on Prophecy to make any change of any kind.
Ignorance always has a cost; either knowing or not, payment must be made.
All suffer from the inaction of those to blind to see it.

PROVILATION, is the negative, defying the; the events forth coming are spitefully questioned and daringly changed.
It is a reward of forgery with a retribution that must be paid with the highest price.
This is the acting on Prophecy to make a negative change for the Lesser Evil.
The cost of arrogant conceit is a condemnation to the ultimate, infinite fate.
Those daring to invoke this event are the ones to suffer the most.
Unfortunately, there are innocent individuals that could suffer with them by association or proximity.
Arrogance does not change any of the other Prophecies.
It enhances and magnifies the Uncertainty; an effect of passing through the Quantum Fog.

Proclamation Phrased

We -

- Are the Smallish Child, synonym for smallish is little.

- Moved afar from the Red Rock Lands to the Blue Sky Lakes, the Wisconsin, the Minnesota.

- Were Born in the City of Three Rivers, the Milwaukee, the Menomonee, the Kinnickinnic.

- Are the Chief descended of the Ojibwa Native American, the Lac du Flambeau, the Wildcat.

- Proclaim the last Moon Day of Aprilis the Holiday of Thunder, the Moon of Diana, the Month of Aphrodite, the Thunderbird of Thor.

- Do not have to be Popular Among You, the Populous.

- Rewrite the Code, the Future, the Power.

- Recommend you Prepare, The End.

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